본 연구실 윤대근 석박통합과정이 김남형 석박통합과정과 함께 공저하여 APMC 에 제출한 논문이 채택 되어 올 11월 개최되는 학회에서 발표를 하게 되었습니다. 축하합니다.
Daekeun Yoon, Namhyung Kim, Ullich Pfeiffer, Bernd Heinemann, and Jae-Sung Rieh, “A Wideband 215 – 255 GHz CB Differential Amplifier in a 0.25-μm SiGe HBT Technology,”
Abstract — A wideband amplifier operating beyond 200 GHz has been developed in a 0.25-μm SiGe HBT technology. The common-base (CB) amplifier consists of 5 differential stages and a pair of Marchand baluns to allow single-ended S-parameter measurement. The amplifier shows a flat gain over 215 – 255 GHz, leading to a 3-dB bandwidth of 40 GHz with a peak gain of 10 dB. It consumes a total DC power of 153 mW with a 1.5 V supply voltage. The fabricated chip occupies an area of 400 x 600 μm2 including pads and baluns.